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Posted by Rob Turkewitz on

It’s a common situation.  You moor your boat and when you row out to spend some time on the water, you discover that it’s covered with bird poop.  What a bummer!  You realize that while away, the birds had made your boat their home.   That’s right, your boat has gone to the birds!  But, it doesn’t have to be that way, because there are bird deterrents that can help keep those rascals at bay and not at home roosting on your moored boat. There are a number of factors that will help keep the birds away from your moored boat:

  1. Use a deterrent that has scary features that change over time. Birds are smart.   They constantly assess any potential threat in their territory, and will grow acclimated to any potential threat if they realize it doesn’t present a threat.  Birds are less likely to get acclimated to devices that randomly and continuously change over time.  
  2. Mount your scary devices in places high above where the birds are perching to keep them from getting close enough from getting acclimated.
  3. It may be necessary to use more than one device or approach to reinforce to the birds that a hazard exists.
  4. Be pro-active and take preventative action – don’t wait for the birds to make your boat their home because once this happens, it becomes much more difficult to keep them away.

When mounted above the highest point, the WhirlyBird Repeller has proven itself to be an effective bird deterrent on moored boats, as well as on boats that are docked.  Shaped like a peregrine falcon, the WhirlyBird Repeller spins and wobbles in the wind, and reflects light in a constantly changing manner that frightens the birds and prevents them from becoming acclimated.    By itself or in combination with other devices, such as the WhirlyBird Re-Enforcer, it will do the trick.   Give it a whirl and prevent your boat from going to the birds!

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